We are thrilled to report that thanks to your contributions, we have met our goal of $6,000. This enabled us to cover all expenses to the Region V AACTFest in Salina, KS, including transportation, lodging, and registration fees. This would not have been possible without your help, and we are truly humbled by your generosity. While donations for this particular project are no longer necessary, we still need your support. Kindly consider making a season contribution to help support other top-quality theatrical productions coming this year.
Although we did not advance to nationals as we had hoped, we are proud to have received awards during our time in Kansas.
Excellence in Acting: Haley Salem

Excellence in Acting: Tony Kollman

Congratulations to everyone and thank you Theatre Salina for hosting the at the Region V festival! Congratulations Theater Atchison and their production of "THE WALL" for being selected to represent Region V at the National AACTFestival June 12-17, 2023.
