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“Merry Christmas, George Bailey” (2005) Notice the actors have scripts in their hands during a performance. (foreground, from left) Judy Jencks, Rhonda Haglund, Rory King (background, from left) Susie Ewinger, Nicole Christiansen, Cindy Kocabinski, Steve Kaiser

Reader's Theatre

What is Readers’ Theatre?
Readers’ Theatre is a dramatic approach to literature; a medium in which two or more oral interpreters through their oral reading, with their bodies and voices, cause an audience to experience literature as they, the interpreters/actors, experience it. Some have called this putting the human being back into literature – physically, vocally, intellectually and emotionally.  Readers’ Theatre calls for mental images of characters playing out a scene that exists primarily in the minds of the participants. These participants are both readers/actors and audiences.


How much time commitment does Readers’ Theatre entail?
Readers’ Theatre shows require smaller time commitments than do more traditional theater because less staging and memorization is required. Depending on the play, director, and cast for each play, there will be five to ten rehearsals.

How are scripts chosen?
Anyone interested in seeing a script performed, in this style, may submit it to ACT’s artistic/managing director. Readers’ Theatre scripts may or may not be traditional plays. In the early stages of this new program, preference will be given to scripts 30-60 minutes in length.


How are actors and directors chosen?
Actors will be chosen throughout the season from auditions. Directors will be chosen by ACT’s artistic/managing director.

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