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Auditions for "The Siegal"

"The Siegel" by Michael Mitnick

Ethan Siegel is in love, and ready to propose to Alice. There’s just one problem: they broke up two years ago! Ethan doesn’t see that as an obstacle, but Alice’s new boyfriend might feel differently! Sarcastic, witty, fast-paced and fresh, it’s a modern take on romance that asks the question: Is there really such a thing as a “soulmate?”

Auditions for “The Siegel” will be held at the Capitol Theatre, 415 S Main St., June 24 & 25 at 7pm. No experience needed. No need to prepare.

Tentative show dates July 31st - August 4th. Directed by Paige Walth Tiede. Scripts available for 48 hours from either the ACT’s office or the K.O. Lee Library. Please note that script are limited and checkout is on a first come, first served basis.

Download, fill out, and bring to you to auditions or email a copy to &

ACT will cast 3 men and 3 women in this modern romantic comedy.

ETHAN - Mid 20s to Mid 30s. Ethan recently realized he is madly in love with his ex-girlfriend Alice, and he is willing to do anything to win her back. He is a man with a plan that no one can figure out—perhaps not even himself.

ALICE - Mid 20s to Mid 30s. The woman with whom Ethan is madly in love. She is a driven woman who recently had her illusions shattered, professionally and personally. She is working on getting her life back on track.

NELSON - Mid 20s to Mid 30s. Alice’s current boyfriend. He wants to be seen as the “cool guy,” but he really, really is not.

RON - 50s to 60s. Alice’s dad with whom she has a good relationship. He is a lawyer and is currently married to Alice’s mom, Deborah.

DEBORAH - 50s to 60s. Alice’s mom. Deborah wishes she and Alice were as close as Ron and Alice are. She is a doctor but is inept with technology.

JORDAN - Mid 20s to Mid 30s. Jordan is smart and she possesses a relaxed air and self-confidence that none of the other characters have.

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